
地方自治否定 廃案に















No. 1355 Bill to Allow State Authority to Control on Autonomy

A bill to revise the Local Autonomy Act is presented to the Diet for debates. It is to permit the state authority to give instructions to local governments, though their relationship is equal. This represents renunciation of autonomy, but the administration and ruling parties are planned to put it on the agenda. The bill must be withdrawn.


The draft text for revision says that ‘the state’s authority over local governments has been disclosed unclear in the policies taken during the pandemic’, and, therefore, that ‘the state government shall be allowed to instruct local governments in case of severe incidents like infectious diseases and natural disasters.’

Reportedly, the bill corresponds to ‘the official replies on local autonomy to cope with the economic structure shaped following the Covid-19 catastrophe’ (December 2023). The accounts were issued by the Investigation Council on Local Autonomy System.

Responses beyond estimations?!

The replies point out (1) severe and geographically extended natural disasters, (2) great earthquakes, and (3) the Covid-19 pandemic, saying that ‘these are events that cannot be tackled by way of once-effective measures based on experiences’, and continuing that ‘emergencies came successively which were not provided in the existing legal norms.’

Concretely, the bill says that (1) ‘local trends of the infection have not been reported speedily to the state authorities from municipalities’, which are essential to know situations exactly across the country and to analyze them,’ and that (2) ‘local institutions, including public hygiene offices, were unable to work on the massive number of official orders from the state to local governments as these facilities were enormously busy with patients.’  

What has happened, however, was, actually, that the state’s requests to municipalities for presentation of information and its policies changed almost every day. Systems and applications provided by the state could not work correctly within short time. Public hygiene offices could not respond rightly to the state’s policies, why? It is because of the structural liabilities of the pandemic policies as enormous jobs were concentrated to specific sections.

Government justifies itself, taking advantage of culpabilities

The central government should have reviewed sincerely its faults. But it says that it could not afford to announce necessary measures to local governments. The bill stipulates that ‘a special clause should be set up that the state’s government shall be allowed to give necessary instructions to local governments when the existing laws do not have relevant provisions.’

According to the Local Autonomy Act, the Act on Infectious Diseases is applied to such diseases, and the Natural Disasters Act, for natural catastrophes. These two laws allow the central government to instruct local governments. It is clear from a point of local autonomy or decentralization of powers.

The draft text of the bill, however, says that ‘in an event which the existing laws do not cover and when the state-level instruction is especially needed to protect people’s life’ ‘the state authority can be allowed to instruct local governments in a complementary manner’ ‘by way of a decision in the Cabinet’.

The bill does not use terminologies as emergency or contingency, but it allows the central government to rule and control over local governments through the Cabinet’s decisions by evading debates in the Diet. The idea denies the constitutional right of local autonomy, which might be led towards a wartime regime. The bill must be abolished.

May 15, 2024