

















No. 1356 The CDP Won in Recent By-elections of Lower House

Three by-elections of the House of Representatives were held to be assessed by the electorate; was completely defeated the coalition government of the Liberal Democratic Party (LDP) and the Komeito which drives recklessly to be a nation that could stage a war against others. The elections were held in the constituencies of the Tokyo’s No. 15 district, Nagasaki’s No. 3 district and Shimane’s No. 1 district. In the former two constituencies the LDP did not field candidates and in the last prefecture the ruling and the opposition candidates vied earnestly. Voters have expressed No! to the government.


Voters have shown a stern response to the ruling LDP in the by-elections because the Kishida government and his party have been reluctant to settle the scandals in a sincere manner; the LDP’s connections with the Unification Church and the off-the-book money. This seems to be a beginning of the end of the coalition government.

CDP accepts criticisms on money politics

Concerning the money scandal, a survey conducted by Kyodo News Agency on voters’ behaviors in the Tokyo’s No. 15 Constituency has revealed that:

Forty-four percent of the respondents said they felt very serious, 33% of them were serious to a certain extent, in total 77% were criticizing. Meanwhile, 15% of the respondents replied not so keen on plutocracy and 5% said they paid no attention to it. The similar trend was seen among voters in the Shimane’s No. 1 Constituency.

The Tokyo’s constituency was flooded with nine candidates; a candidate from the CDP obtained 26% of unaffiliated votes and another 9% of the ballots of those who used to support the ruling LDP. In the election district in Shimane Prefecture where two candidates from the ruling and the opposition competed, the latter won 74% of unaffiliated votes, destroying the rocky wall of the conservative. The facts have shown that it is the CDP that could rightly absorb criticisms on the LDP, which is corrupted with illicit money.

According to the survey of Kyodo News Agency in April, over 60% of respondents wanted ‘to alter the government.’ The CDP has won in all of the three constituencies, but this does not mean that the CDP is an alternative to the current administration.

CDP is not expected to be government

The by-elections attracted great attention, but the turnout was low; in Tokyo the voting percentage was 40.70%, in Shimane 54.62% and in Nagasaki it was 35.45%. Every one of the figures has recorded the lowest in history.

The No.15 Constituency in Tokyo lies in the Koto Ward where the second-round mayoral election was held late December last year: the electorate were disgusted with corrupt politics and the turnout was 39.2% then, which is similar to the April election’s percentage. Incidentally, the voting rate in the 2009 general election, when the ex-Democratic Party of Japan (DPJ) gained the state’s power, was 69.28% and in the previous election (2005) the turnout was 67.51% in the constituency.

According to an investigation by NHK, a supporting rate of ex-DPJ was 23.7% in the previous year prior to the 2009 election (December 2008), but the ratio in favor of the succeeding party, the CDP, was only 6.5% in April this year.

A low supporting rate, why?

In the end of the year 2022 the Kishida government approved the controversial three documents on national security in his Cabinet. It has authorized military fortification of the Ryukyu archipelagoes and missile deployment in the region, permitted regular military drills with the US troops, and implemented the law to assist military industries. The administration has been engaged in preparation for warfare as a fait de accompli, restarted operations at nuclear power plants and dumped radioactively-polluted water into the sea.

This year the Kishida government enacted the ‘Economic Security Promotion Act’, an economic version of the Law on Protection of Secret Information, and the ‘Law on Establishment of Joint Operation Command’ which unifies troops of the US and Japan to a single unit. The CDP, unfortunately, has agreed in legislation of these military projects. The low supporting rate indicates that the electorate see the CDP follows the Kishida government easily in terms of national security.

It is said that today we witness ‘a new form of prewar days.’ People have in mind, No! War and Life and Livelihood First! The CDP could not win people’s support if it maintains the program based on the US-Japan Security Treaty.

May 22, 2024