The year 2024 will end soon. When reviewing the time, the world has experienced tremendous changes. We cannot understand, however, the essence of these speedy evolutions, if we only look at this year. Our history has ushered in a turning point when we should grasp the changes in a span of decades.
The socialist camp collapsed in the end of last century. The Socialist Party of Japan was disintegrated with an introduction of a small constituency election system.
The world had expected in the late 20th century that the world would go toward disarmament following the end of the Cold War, leading to a world without nuclear weapons and to right policies to cope with the environmental crisis. In the domestic affairs people anticipated to have a two-party political system that could alternate the government responsibility. It was reported that capitalism, not socialism, would represent the human-first economic system and the mankind history would step in a new stage. They said that China, too, would be incorporated in the capitalist camp in the long run, being innocuous.
Trump has reappeared
What has happened actually? Capitalism could have behaved ‘freely’ as the barriers had gone, but it fell down due to the Lehman Shock starting from the United States, deadlocked in seriousness in which social gaps and poverty prevailed ubiquitously. ‘Freedom and democracy’ have been threatened in the United States, which has the most powerful economic and military potentials and colossal wealth accumulated till today and used to be the winner of capitalism. We witness now reappearance of Mr. Trump, who has won in the election, even stealing ‘anger of workers.’
Judging from Karl Marx’s analysis of capitalism, then-represented by England, it is the United States today that has caused chaos in many parts of the world. Mr. Trump will replace with Mr. Biden. The new president will be unable to deal with China generously as the past leaders did as the nation has steadily been growing. Antagonism between the US and China has been intensified.
Other aspects to point out are a failure on the side of the Atlantic alliance of the US and Europe in preventing Russia from intruding militarily and the US’s overt, belligerent logistics to the brutal operations of Israel. The world today is being steered to a New Cold War. Now Mr. Trump has arisen again. The United States cannot overcome domestic difficulties unless it blockades China, whoever may be her president. The nation is afflicted with an incurable disease.
Contradictions have deepened
Both of the war in Ukraine and the war on tariffs with China have brought severe consequences in the G7 countries; higher prices and severer burdens for military spendings which have provoked indignation among people, political uproar in France and Germany, emergence of rightist groups and returning to nuclear energy with an excuse of energy crisis. Contradictions have deepened in the world for these 30 years, bringing today’s phenomena. The plight cannot be easily improved.
We see at this moment a bright light in the protest movements of citizens in Republic of Korea. They have stood up against a coup d’etat staged by President. The struggle has toppled down the triple military US-ROK-Japan alliance which should attack Democratic People’s Republic of Korea, opening a path to help mitigate tension over the Korean Peninsula.
The parliament and media outlets of Japan are deplorable; they say ‘instability in ROK is disturbing, and so the triple alliance must be strengthened’.
But we have a hope; we will build up solidarity with people who fight against a war, social gaps, poverty and environmental destruction, learning from the Korean people, to open a way toward social transformation, elaborating long-term strategies. This is the sole option.
No. 1384 Looking Back the Year 2024
The year 2024 will end soon. When reviewing the time, the world has experienced tremendous changes. We cannot understand, however, the essence of these speedy evolutions, if we only look at this year. Our history has ushered in a turning point when we should grasp the changes in a span of decades.
The socialist camp collapsed in the end of last century. The Socialist Party of Japan was disintegrated with an introduction of a small constituency election system.
The world had expected in the late 20th century that the world would go toward disarmament following the end of the Cold War, leading to a world without nuclear weapons and to right policies to cope with the environmental crisis. In the domestic affairs people anticipated to have a two-party political system that could alternate the government responsibility. It was reported that capitalism, not socialism, would represent the human-first economic system and the mankind history would step in a new stage. They said that China, too, would be incorporated in the capitalist camp in the long run, being innocuous.
Trump has reappeared
What has happened actually? Capitalism could have behaved ‘freely’ as the barriers had gone, but it fell down due to the Lehman Shock starting from the United States, deadlocked in seriousness in which social gaps and poverty prevailed ubiquitously. ‘Freedom and democracy’ have been threatened in the United States, which has the most powerful economic and military potentials and colossal wealth accumulated till today and used to be the winner of capitalism. We witness now reappearance of Mr. Trump, who has won in the election, even stealing ‘anger of workers.’
Judging from Karl Marx’s analysis of capitalism, then-represented by England, it is the United States today that has caused chaos in many parts of the world. Mr. Trump will replace with Mr. Biden. The new president will be unable to deal with China generously as the past leaders did as the nation has steadily been growing. Antagonism between the US and China has been intensified.
Other aspects to point out are a failure on the side of the Atlantic alliance of the US and Europe in preventing Russia from intruding militarily and the US’s overt, belligerent logistics to the brutal operations of Israel. The world today is being steered to a New Cold War. Now Mr. Trump has arisen again. The United States cannot overcome domestic difficulties unless it blockades China, whoever may be her president. The nation is afflicted with an incurable disease.
Contradictions have deepened
Both of the war in Ukraine and the war on tariffs with China have brought severe consequences in the G7 countries; higher prices and severer burdens for military spendings which have provoked indignation among people, political uproar in France and Germany, emergence of rightist groups and returning to nuclear energy with an excuse of energy crisis. Contradictions have deepened in the world for these 30 years, bringing today’s phenomena. The plight cannot be easily improved.
We see at this moment a bright light in the protest movements of citizens in Republic of Korea. They have stood up against a coup d’etat staged by President. The struggle has toppled down the triple military US-ROK-Japan alliance which should attack Democratic People’s Republic of Korea, opening a path to help mitigate tension over the Korean Peninsula.
The parliament and media outlets of Japan are deplorable; they say ‘instability in ROK is disturbing, and so the triple alliance must be strengthened’.
But we have a hope; we will build up solidarity with people who fight against a war, social gaps, poverty and environmental destruction, learning from the Korean people, to open a way toward social transformation, elaborating long-term strategies. This is the sole option.
December 25, 2024