
















No. 1220 76th Anniversary of Hiroshima-Nagasaki

It is 76 years this year after the atomic bombs hit Hiroshima and Nagasaki: it was a hot summer day when people escaped from the heat seeking for water and roamed around holding a baby with burns in the chest. Sufferings of the nuclear attacks still remain even after these decades. Again we get firmly determined to exterminate this kind of weapons.


The atomic bombings on Hiroshima and Nagasaki have definitely proven the anti-humanitarian nature of nuclear arms, indicating that nuclear weapons and the humankind cannot coexist.

Existing nuclear warheads - 13,000

The lesson, however, is not learned. In total nine countries (the five standing members of the United Nations Security Council, India, Pakistan, Israel and DPRK) at present have nuclear warheads, which count over 13,000. Behind this fact we can see logical justification that the nations have – deterrence by nuclear arms.

People on the opposite side of the world, however, have steadily enhanced campaigns to reduce and prohibit nuclear weapons.

In July four years ago the UN adopted the Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons, which took effect January 22, 2021. Countries and areas which ratified it total 55, with signatory nations counting 86.

The nuclear-possessing countries and the NATO members, however, disagree to the convention. A more striking fact is that the Japanese government neither signs nor ratifies it.

The Japanese government openly explains that this nation relies on the US nuclear deterrence through the Japan-US Security Treaty.

Once again here the New Socialist Party demands the government to reduce nukes, to speed up processes to hold a review conference on the non-proliferation treaty (NPT) and eventually ratify the Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons.

Japan depends on nuclear power generation, too

The Japanese government holds on fast to not only nuclear arms but also its power generation as its official energy policy. The accident in Chernobyl in April 1986 demonstrated horror, giving lessons on the nuclear power generation. The severe accident at Fukushima-Daiichi power plants of TEPCO, or Tokyo Electric Power Company, in March 2011 once again clearly showed us the same.

The disaster at Fukushima has polluted mountains and rivers with radioactive substances, bringing a number of deaths and producing evacuees. The damages have not yet been rehabilitated. The Japanese government as well as TEPCO will not take their responsibilities at all.

Furthermore, the Suga government made a decision in April this year to release 1.25 million tons of radiation-contaminated water, including tritium, into the ocean after two years of preparation. In addition, the government proposes a new energy plan for the Fiscal 2030; to set a target of a 20-22% dependency rate for nuclear power generation of all electricity production, to re-start operation at the outdated power plants older than 40 years of age and to develop new, smaller-sized nuclear power plants.

Let’s defeat the LDP-Komeito coalition government!

The lessons of Hiroshima, Nagasaki and Fukushima are not learned by the governments. Many lawsuits have been and are filed. On July 14 at the Hiroshima High Court the 84 plaintiffs of the ‘black rain’ litigation won in their struggles, or they were certified as Hibakushas (victims of the atomic bombs), succeeding consecutively from the lower court. Their campaign has shown scarcity in the official assistance measures extended to them.

The Suga government clings to nuclear deterrence and forces people in Okinawa to keep suffering, which is shown in the construction of a new US military base at Henoko against the will of residents.

Let’s win in the autumn general election! Let’s overthrow the coalition Suga government of the Liberal Democratic Party and the Komei-to!

August 3, 2021