




 しかし何かと様変わりした。感染の一時収束で、コロナ以外の話題がメディアで増えたら、中国や韓国がとり上げられるようになった。 トランプ政権に代わって登場したバイデン政権は期待されたが、対中国の姿勢は日増しに強硬になり、日本をはじめ各国を巻き込んで経済的・軍事的包囲網の形成に走り出した。 











No. 1239 Looking Back 2021

Time has passed quickly though everyday life lacks changes due to the corona virus impacts. We have found, however, dramatic, rapid changes in the political life. Let’s look at what happened in the year 2021.


The year 2021 has seen disastrous outcomes from the corona virus, a change of the Cabinet and the general election. Fellow readers, you have certainly been active in supporting opposition candidates in various elections, extending helps to needy people and keeping human relations online. You have worked a lot.

Social moods have changed

Many things, however, have in fact changed. A temporary drop of the infections disease, articles on China and Republic of Korea (ROK) are seen as topical issues in the mainstream media.

The Biden administration in the United States, which was, at first, expected as better than one led by the former president, is strengthening its hostile posture to China. It has instantly begun to contain the Asian nation in the economic and military terms, involving Japan and its allies.

The former Suga government was incapable, and was momentarily replaced by the Kishida administration. The general election came immediately, to bring a very different, political landscape. The election has left unexpected result.

Prime Minister Kishida has eventually changed his stance; before the general election he had asserted to intensify military capabilities, but later, he emphasizes potential to attack enemy bases. He had said to expect debates on the constitution in the Diet sessions, but now says ‘parliamentary members should inspire discussions among people on the current constitution whether it matches to today’s needs.’

That is not a simple change of expressions. It is to cross the Rubicon.

Meanwhile, the Constitutional Democratic party (CDP), the biggest opposition party, told that it would be a party to propose policies, not remaining an opposition. The CDP does not have aspiration to prevent the government from crossing the Rubicon, as you see it during the parliament’s extraordinary session; they just ostensibly criticized the administration’s position on the constitution and the assertion on capabilities to attack enemies.

We see an expression these days, ‘a war is seen in the depth of the corridor’. If not seen, we feel some air around us that a new version of constitution is approaching.

A stalemate does not exist

No stalemate, however, exists in the world. It is a saying.

The opposition league was partially succesfull in the general election, hitting severely the coalition force of the Liberal Democratic Party (LDP) and the Komeito. Governor of Okinawa, Tamaki Denny, showed a tremendously courageous decision not to allow the central government to complete the new military base in the island. Election cooperation efforts between the New Socialist Party and the restructured Social- Democratic Party is advancing to cope with the coming election for the House of Councilors. Determined voters are ready for new electoral dimensions.

I notice now a phenomenon in the trains: people are reading books. A smartphone seems to disturb thinking. More people recognize a need to think over matters, partly because of staying home. Jinbocho, the neighborhood of the party’s office building resides, is a town of secondhand bookstores. Young people are seen more frequently in the streets.

Take care of yourself and have a Happy New Year.

December 22, 2021