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The draft budget for general account of the fiscal 2023 makes a pair with the second-round supplementary budget of the fiscal 2022. The former focuses primarily on the security in terms of military domain, while the latter confirms the same in the economic framework. There lies the new National Security Strategy on which the Kishida government made the decision in its Cabinet meeting.  


Massive tax increases continue

The draft budget for the general account of the fiscal 2023 accounts 114 trillion and 381.2 billion yen, which is a surge by 6.3% of that of the fiscal 2022 of the time of initial compilation. The total sum is the largest in the history, with growth lasting for eleven years consecutively.

In terms of the revenue from taxes, it is estimated as 69 trillion and 440 billion yen, which is by an increase of 6.4% from the figure of the last fiscal. The consumption tax is the biggest item to bring takings, which counts 23 trillion and 384 billion yen, which is a hike by 1 trillion 811 billion yen compared with the number of fiscal 2022, which means that taxing on large majority of the population will be enhanced.

Furthermore, a new round of issue of government bonds is estimated as 35 trillion and 623 billion yen, which records the 15th consecutive ranking over the level of 30 trillion yen. For this reason, the total amount of the government bonds reaches 206 trillion yen, including the refunding bonds. If the interest rate goes up by 1%, the necessary expenditure for government bonds (an expense to repay debts) surges up to 3.7 trillion yen. The public finance is losing sustainability.

We, the Socialist Party of Japan (NSP), strongly demands the government of Japan to make a decisive change in the financial structure as well as correction of unequal taxation, including enhancement of the progressive taxation mechanism.

Military expansion – Attack on military facilities

The military expenditure (in a narrower terms) is accounted as 6.8 trillion yen, the history-largest, which is by an increase of approximately 25% of the relevant figure of the 2022 fiscal of the initial compilation stage. The total sum reaches 10.2 trillion yen, if the ‘fund for strengthening defense capabilities’ to spend after the 2024 fiscal is incorporated. This is an ultra-huge military budget.

The pillar of the budget is found in the possession of capabilities to attack military facilities of the adversary. An amount of 122.7 billion yen is allocated as expenses to develop and massively produce the 12-type ground-to-ship guided-missiles (the more advanced capabilities) in the long-range missile program. Another 105.4 billion yen is put in to develop next-generation fighters equipped with devices to search military facilities of the rivals, which is a hidden program, though. A sum of 315.5 billion yen is appropriated to jointly develop next-generation fighters in cooperation with the United Kingdom and Italy, including the figure already accounted in the budget.

The NSP adamantly opposes the big military build-up plan of the government, and will take actions to impede approval of the draft budget and enactment of correlated laws.

Semi-conductors – a core of the economic security

The Kishida government, stressing the economic security policy, has appropriated about 7 trillion yen in the second-round supplementary budget for the fiscal 2022, whose total amount is 29 trillion yen. That is the economic security means ‘a war without exerting to military capacity’.

It is semi-conductors that are regarded as the most important item in the economic security policy, which has become ‘rice of the military strength’. The administration has allocated approximately 1.3 trillion yen in compiling the relevant budgets, including 450 billion yen for securing domestic manufacturing sites of the sophisticated semi-conductors amid the harsh rivalry between the United States and China.

The government designated in the end of last year the 11 areas, including semi-conductors, as the ‘specifically important materials’ of the economic security policy. It appropriated 1 trillion and 394.2 billion yen for R&D of these key technologies in the fiscal 2023 budget.

The most imperative policy – People’s life

The administration prefers national security to people’s life. We, the NSP, again emphasize that security of people’s life is the first priority.

January 11, 2023